Diverse Night of the Jumps
12th of March 2016
Last time tickets for Polish Grand Prix held in Tauron Arena Cracow were sold out more than six weeks before the show! FMX World Championships promoter in Poland – Sportainment Company along with the title sponsor made effort to bring the best Freestyle MX riders back to Malopolska.
Spectators can expect fierce competition between top world’s riders with extreme tricks and huge dose of adrenaline. However, Freestyle is not everything you can witness on 12th of March. As always there’ll be opportunity to meet and greet riders at Pit Party right before the show. Riders will show their skills racing during Lifeproff Speed&Style contest and later on they will try to break the World Record in the highest jump on the dirt bike in Maxxis Highest Air.
Other exciting attractions scheduled for Krakow Grand Prix will be: Freestyle on quads by Patryk and Maciej Siekaj, the Kids MX Race in new formula, energetic fire show by Psycho Dolls and Enigma Art, MISS FMX finals and special act. More details to follow.
You can’t miss it. Tickets available at: Eventim.pl and in every EMIPK across the country.
TIME SCHEDULE 12.03.2016
16:00 Doors Open
16:30 Start Pit Party
17:30 End Pit Party
18:00 Show opening
18:15 Riders presentation
18:30 Qualification
19:15 Lifeproof Race & Style
19:30 Start Break
20:05 Kids MX Race
20:15 Maxxis Highest Air
20:25 Final
20:50 Special Act
21:00 Winners Ceremony
21:05 Autograph Session