VIP lounges

TAURON Arena Krakow has 28 comfortable VIP lounges with comfortable seats in the stands. All boxes are fully air-conditioned and have Internet access. These separate rooms located at level B provide privacy and comfort during all events organized at the facility.


  • TAURON Arena Kraków has 28 convenient VIP loges with comfortable seats on the tribunes. All loges are air-conditioned and have the Internet access. Those separate rooms on the B level provide privacy and comfort during all the events organized in the venue.

      • permanent loge with 24h access and best seats on the tribunes*
      • possibility of own interior design
      • company logo on the loge entrance door
      • parking places on the VIP parking lot
      • guarantee of attractive entry cards for spectacular events
      • VIP catering during the events with dedicated service**
      • dedicated hostess assistance

      * on the day of the event access under the regulations of the organiser

      ** separate order, paid in accordance with the menu price list

      As long-term VIP tenants you will have the possibility of organising business or private meetings both during the unique events as well as on other days – with the guarantee of prestige and exclusiveness.


      Weronika Plata

        Contact form

      • You may have the exclusive VIP loge just for you and your guests for one of the spectacular events organised in TAURON Arena Kraków. It is a perfect occasion not only for a business meeting, but also with family and friends

        • access to the loge 1h before the event*
        • comfortable VIP seats on the tribunes directly in front of the loge
        • VIP catering with dedicated service**
        • 1 VIP parking place (to every 4 VIP packages purchased)
        • dedicated hostess assistance

        * the time may change depending on the regulations of the event organiser

        ** separate order, paid in accordance with the menu price list


        Marzena Sadowska

        Najem długoterminowy
        +48 739 455 725

        Telefon czynny od poniedziałku do piątku
        w godz. 8:00-16:00,
        w dni imprezowe od otwarcia bram do zakończenia wydarzenia.

          Contact form

        Personal pickup of purchased Packages possible from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 16:00
        at the TAURON Arena Krakow Reception - after prior appointment (excluding
        event days).

        Do you have any questions?
        Contact us!

        • You are welcome to download our offer.
